Makefile is my buddy

How to automate your Infrastructure-as-Code toolbox?

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Over past cloud projects, I have found that make can be a very good friend to software engineers. Let me reflect here on some common friction points with Infrastructure-as-Code that can be addressed, in 2023 and beyond, with a simple Makefile in your code base.

So, you don't know make, do you?

You can check the Wikipedia page on make, and get there most details you need to know on the topic. The command make reads Makefile, checks dependencies and builds executable programs and libraries from source code. Before the introduction of make, the Unix build system most commonly consisted of operating system dependent "make" and "install" shell scripts accompanying their program's source code.

Sounds familiar to modern cloud engineers? Indeed, the provisioning and configuration of a modern distributed system usually require multiple tools that, together, make a fragmented and brittle toolbox. From this perspective, the landscape of Infrastructure-as-Code is similar to the toolbox available to early software engineers in 1976, 47 years ago, when make was created.

When you build automatically information systems in the cloud, you do not care about compiling .c files and linking .o objects. But make brings interesting capabilities to cloud teams. Here we go with some ideas that have proven useful to us.

Multiple software technologies, but overarching shell

When you are comfortable with a programming language, it is natural to favor related tools as well. Java developers do a lot in Apache Maven and are interested mainly in top-level pom.xml file. Javascript developers leverage package.json for all commands needed in their projects. Kubernetes aficionados have their way to promote GitOps. Lovers of Visual Studio Code add various plugins and extensions to their personal environments, even if these do not stretch to software pipelines run in the cloud. None of these approaches can, alone, satisfy cloud engineers. We are polyglot because Infrastructure-as-Code is leading to that.

There is a lot to know about when you engineer distributed systems on cloud platforms in 2023. Daily, we are writing text files using HCL (for Terraform templates), CloudFormation, python, typescript, shell scripts, Helm, Powershell, groovy (for Jenkins), JSON, YAML, Markdown, HTML, and CSS. We also leverage feature files written in Gherkin grammar. We handle XML as well, with diagrams produced by And they are multiple flavors of these technologies in the CI/CD universe, e.g., .gitlab-ci.yml for GitLab CI, .github/workflows for GitHub Actions, buildspec.yml for AWS Codebuild.

At the end of the day, whatever their specificities, interactive tools that we use run in a shell. Therefore, we want to automate our working environment from within a shell. And this is exactly how make has been created originally. We leverage dependency management in the Makefile, but on virtual targets that structure our toolbox. Nowadays, Makefile can be the command-line interface (CLI) specific to a given project, that simplifies the life of cloud engineers.

Display available commands with make

When you run make you mention the target that you are intentionally looking for. For example, you could type make wip-tests to quickly test only the code that you are currently working on. If you do not put a target, then make just takes the first target of the Makefile.

In our projects, we commonly start Makefile with a target named help that lists available commands for the project. Here is an example of such a handy menu:

    @echo "make setup - install code and dependencies"
    @echo "make serve - run local web server on port 8082"
    @echo "make shell - load python local environment"
    @echo "make lint - analyze python code"
    @echo "make all-tests - perform all python tests"
    @echo "make unit-tests - run tests marked with @pytest.mark.unit_tests"
    @echo "make integration-tests - run tests marked with @pytest.mark.integration_tests"
    @echo "make wip-tests - run tests marked with @pytest.mark.wip"
    @echo "make coverage - track untested code in web browser"
    @echo "make stats - count lines of code and more"
    @echo "make rebase - pull changes from origin main branch and rebase your code"
    @echo "make push - rebase from main branch and push current branch to remote repository"
    @echo "make diff - check foreseen changes in cloud resources before deployment"
    @echo "make deploy - build or update cloud resources for this workload"
    @echo "make destroy - delete cloud resources for this workload"
    @echo "make clean - delete transient files in this project"
    @echo " ... and you should have access to all cdk commands as well, e.g.: cdk ls"

When a new person joins a project, it is easy to discover the most useful commands in the toolbox. Just clone the git repository and type make on a shell prompt. In addition, when the project toolbox changes, it is also easy to reflect that in the Makefile and spread it across software engineers.

Setup a new project with make setup

How to smooth the experience of a new contributor to your project? Provide a single command that encapsulates the complexity of a full setup: download of multiple files, creation of a virtual environment, etc. Here is an example:

setup: setup-python setup-cdk

    @echo "Installing python virtual environment..."
    python3 -m venv venv
    . venv/bin/activate && python -m pip install --upgrade pip -r requirements.txt

    @echo "Installing CDK and related NPM modules..."
    npm install aws-cdk@latest --force
    cdk --version

This way of working simplifies the documentation of your project. Instead of writing the list of setup commands in the file, just mention the command make setup and you are done. In case of error, the person will look at the Makefile and figure out why it is not working for her. For the vast majority of cases where the setup commands work as expected, you will smooth onboarding on your project.

Observe your code base with make stats

How many files do you manage in your code base? Is a project more about Terraform, about Python, or a combination of both? Can you estimate the number of lines and related management debt? It is always surprising how teams can have difficulties with simple questions of this kind.

This may be an opportunity for a new simple tool that provides a quick analysis of the code base. We commonly use pygount, as in the following example:

    pygount --format=summary ${CODE_PATH} features fixtures media tests workbooks *.ini cdk.json package.json *.md *.py *.txt Makefile

The idea is that you can run make stats at any time, and get in seconds some interesting facts about your code base.

If it's working here, it will work in a pipeline as well

Potential differences across team workstations and with the CI/CD run-time can be an important cause of inefficiencies. Let's see if some make commands could close gaps here, and be used equally by human beings and by software robots.

Enter the project virtual environment with make shell

Cloud engineers who work on multiple projects commonly report issues related to software dependencies. A Python package is missing, or different incompatible versions of Terraform are used, etc. You know the story too, right?

Maybe you need a simple command across all of your projects, that contextualizes your working environment to one specific set of dependencies. For example, here is how you can put yourself into a Python virtual environment:

MAKESHELL ?= /bin/bash

    @echo "Use command 'exit' to kill this shell, or hit <Ctl-D>"
    . venv/bin/activate && ${MAKESHELL}

With this convention, the contextualization of your current working environment can be done with 2 shell commands:

$ cd /path/of/project/i/am/focusing/on
$ make shell

Perform static code analysis with make lint

Recently, one colleague struggled after the addition of checkov to a Terraform project. This change uncovered many issues that had to be addressed swiftly and induced additional workload on the team. Granted, it may be easier to control continuously the quality of a code base. You could implement this in CI/CD, but if you want to shift left, you need a convenient command for your team members.

Here is an example for Python projects, where we also add constraints on maximum code complexity with McCabe:

    venv/bin/python -m flake8 --max-complexity 8 --ignore E402,E501,F841,W503 --builtins="toggles" --per-file-ignores="cdk/ tests/" ${CODE_PATH} tests

When you can perform comprehensive static code analysis with one command, make lint, then you control the overall quality of your code base and provide feedback to software engineers. As a bonus, you can use this command in your CI/CD pipelines as well.

Test your code base with make all-tests

We recognize that testing a distributed system is a complex topic in itself. This is going far beyond a single blog post. Nevertheless, we often see cloud engineers who rely only on actual deployments for the validation of their commits. They push commits, then wait for environment updates with CI/CD automation, then inspect cloud resources manually. It can take hours to detect a defect with this approach.

You can shift left the feedback given to your team to make software engineering more efficient. The following example shows multiple types of tests that can be performed from the command line, in the context of a project with multiple AWS Lambdas functions written in Python:

all-tests: venv/bin/activate lambdas.out
    venv/bin/python -m pytest -ra --durations=0 tests/

unit-tests: venv/bin/activate
    venv/bin/python -m pytest -m unit_tests -v tests/

integration-tests: venv/bin/activate lambdas.out
    venv/bin/python -m pytest -m integration_tests -v tests/

wip-tests: venv/bin/activate
    venv/bin/python -m pytest -m wip -v tests/

With a rich set of test commands, you allow cloud engineers to select the appropriate feedback for their ongoing work. The command make wip-tests is quick because it scopes the limited set of files that you are working on. The command make unit-tests ensures that you have not broken code elsewhere. Then make integration-tests can ensure non-regression. And finally, make all-tests is the one that provides maximum coverage of tests. The command make all-tests should also be executed in the CI/CD pipelines, independently of what cloud engineers do on their workstations.

Collaborate over git

As a text file put in the project repository, the Makefile is a first-class citizen in git collaboration. But there is more. You can also package the most important git commands for your developers, and assist a bit on commit, rebase and push commands.

Raise the bar with make pre-commit

Git hooks are a built-in feature of Git that allows developers to automate tasks and enforce policies throughout your workflow. You can leverage this capability by executing specific code on each commit, and prevent inadvertent pollution of the remote server.

For example, you can put the following command in file .git/hooks/pre-commit and make it executable:

make pre-commit

Then, of course, you need a corresponding target in your Makefile. For example:

pre-commit: lint bandit

With that setup, on each of your commits, code will be inspected statically and passwords will be looked after in the code. In case of any error, the commit will be aborted. You can change the Makefile over time to ensure a quick process, that does not break the experience of cloud engineers.

Synchronize your code base with make rebase

In the context of cloud projects, it can take days or weeks before a commit goes to the main git branch. During that time, you need to stay as close as possible to the main trunk of code. Otherwise, you are taking the risk of complex conflict resolutions, which can be time-consuming.

This is another opportunity for considering make. Here is an example command that rebases your local code against the current state of the main branch:

    git pull --rebase origin main

You are advised to run make rebase at least every morning. This ensures that your code is compatible with the project state on the previous day. If the command breaks for some reason, you identify quickly where and why.

Fix conflicts on your branch with make push

When you ask a young software engineer to work on a specific git branch, he or she may push commits for days and weeks, without any problem. When you ask, they may report that everything is going fine. But when this code is merged onto another branch, suddenly, tons of conflicts may appear, and massive efforts can be required to recover.

How to fix such a latent problem in git collaboration? One interesting option is to come back more often to the main trunk, maybe with rebase before the push. Here is an example:

push: rebase
    git push

As a software engineer, the usage of make push instead of git push is not a big deal. But this small evolution can prevent change conflicts before they become massive issues. Again, we give developers a mean to spot discrepancies as early as possible and to fix them along the way.

Keep it simple, right?

Because make is a smart wrap of a regular shell, you can add a lot of stuff in a single Makefile. This is tempting, but please refrain. If you test the presence of some environment variable before running a command, then this test should probably move to the command itself, right? Also, while it is feasible to have multiple Makefile spread in your project, I prefer to have one single top-level Makefile aside the With one Makefile, I can rule most useful commands of projects I am working on.

In this post, we have shared some specific usages of Makefile that have worked for us in the context of Infrastructure-as-Code and of distributed systems on cloud platforms. In a nutshell:

  • make - display most useful commands for this project

  • make setup - install software dependencies

  • make stats - get some insight on the code base

  • make shell - jump into the virtual environment

  • make lint - perform static code analysis

  • make all-tests - perform as much non-regression as possible

  • make pre-commit - systematically test before commit

  • make rebase - align with the main trunk of the project

  • make push - prevent conflicts as early as possible

You can find an example of a Makefile for serverless architecture written in python at the Sustainable Personal Accounts project.

Are you using make for your infrastructure projects as well? Your ideas and feedback are welcome. Thanks for sharing innovative usages of Makefile with us.